Friday, February 24, 2017

Activists Prank CPAC With "Russian" Trump Flags

(image via Facebook)
Activists Jason Charter and Ryan Clayton of the group Americans Take Action pranked the conservative event CPAC today by passing out red, white and blue flags with the word "Trump" on them.

Only problem was - it was the wrong "red, white and blue."

From Talking Points Memo:

Charter, 22, told TPM by phone that he and Clayton organized the prank in order to "honor Trump's relationship with Putin." He said almost no one at CPAC seemed to realize the flag he handed them bore the horizontal red, white, and blue stripes of the Russian Federation underneath Trump's name.

"I asked people if they wanted a Trump flag and they took it," Charter said. "Many Trump supporters were proudly waving their Russian Trump flag."

"I think it says a lot about Donald Trump's base and their education level," he said. "I don't want to insult anyone, but I think you should know what the Russian flag is. They are one of the world's major powers, and it's a pretty easily recognized flag."

CPAC staff quickly confiscated the flags, but not before the embarrassing image went viral on social media.

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